One of the best ways you can appreciate music is by taking your friends out for an evening. Go where they are playing your best songs. You can check in advance what your local clubs will be playing. Plan well so that you and your loved one spend some time just enjoying great blues, emo, or indie songs over a sumptuous meal and good conversation. If you love dancing, then this is a good time to do that as well.
Another tip on how to appreciate music is to just make it impromptu. If you were planning to go have your car washed or your hair done, cancel that and put on your best music videos and watch. It is beautiful to listen to music this way. You a re guaranteed to have a good time and the experience is quite relaxing.
On the other hand, make time for a nice session where you will do nothing else but enjoy your music. Have what you want to listen or watch set in place before you start. It can be your music videos, indie or alternative music. Do this without the usual interruptions of checking what is on television, or thinking about your job. Concentrate on just listening.
A good tip towards appreciating music is by owing a collection of your favorite songs. This can be done by buying or downloading from the internet. Having what you like all the time will make you enjoy your music even more. Make copies for your ipod or mobile phone. You can create your own play list from your collection where you only listen to what appeals to you.